
Company Secretary
In recent years, ESG factors have gained increasing recognition in the corporate world, with stakeholders closely monitoring companies’ ESG performance It is my responsibility to raise awareness and collaborate with the Board of Directors and other stakeholders to ensure that the company prioritises and integrates ESG principles into its strategy, risk management, and decision-making processes. This ensures the sustainability of the company’s operations, trust-building with stakeholders, enhancement of company reputation and contribution to a better world.

Senior General Manager, International Business

President, Finance
However, financial sustainability is just one facet of the broader concept of sustainability. It is an essential component of our business, and we are dedicated to integrating sustainable practices into all aspects of our operations, taking into account the social and environmental impact they have. This holds particular significance in the pharmaceutical industry, where our products have the potential to greatly impact people’s lives. Additionally, we prioritise the safety and well-being of our customers by implementing rigorous quality control measures and adhering to international safety standards. It is our responsibility to ensure that our products are both safe and effective, accessible to all, while minimising our environmental footprint.

Senior General Manager, Medical Team

Vice President, Research and Development