Trinbelimab (recombinant Anti Rh(o) D Immunogloblin) is used in the prevention of Rh isoimmunization by preventing the Rh-negative mother forming antibodies towards her Rh-positive fetus red blood cells that may pass into the maternal blood during childbirth, abortion, or certain other sensitizing events.
BSV is a leading supplier of Trinbelimab (recombinant Anti Rh(o) D immunoglobulin) for postpartum prophylaxis of un-sensitized Rh-negative women to prevent isoimmunization by red blood cells from Rh-positive fetus. Trinbelimab (recombinant Anti Rh(o) D immunoglobulin) administration has significantly helped in preventing hemolytic disease in newborns (HDN) by providing a reliable supply of Trinbelimab (recombinant Anti Rh(o) D immunoglobulin) in India for over 35 years.